May 2
My sleep has been good and today, 2 May my first goal is Beiuş 40 km away.

View from my tent camp in the morning
Need a new sim card for my old cell phone I luckily had brought with me, and also a new butane / propane gas bottle which is almost has running out for the camping kitchen
Now the summer has come, despite early morning. I can ride in shorts and short-sleeved shirt and I like that.
A sad sight in front of me between Brătești and Răbăgani stopped me, a dead collie lying on the road. A it seems he had been lying there for a while and no one wanted to know anything about the dog either.

Today early fornoon , a sad sight. A dead collie on the road. I stopped to bury him
I found a small shovel and buried him on a grassy place by the side of the road. It is deplorable that no one in the vicinity showed any concern.
I entered Beius just before noone, lots of people and traffics, seems to be a busy town at the moment. I bought a new simcard at Orange, a new gasbottle to my camping kitchen and a lunch.
Some hours later I was om my saddle again peadling after small roads through rural villages.
In Cristio de Jos I did my last stop before my camp and stopped ouside a local grocerie shop which also worked like a meeting place for the locals.

My last stop before camp. A local grocery shop, bar and local meeting point
Three tables and a TV hanging on the wall above the pay desk. At one of the tables sat some villagers and chat while watching TV. I bougth some groceries and bread and then a cup of coffe and sat down beside the door. One of the men at the other table asked me with a mixed of english end romania where I was going.
– I´m heading f0r Deva…
They laughed and shook their heads and gestured with hands and arms that it was very uphill and they said in chorus…
– Good luck …
From here and now the challenge of today began.
The road wound like a serpentine uphill with steep precipices to my right and dense forest on the other side.
Roadworks had been started at some parts. Five – six km up then about two easy km to my camp.
Tired but satisfied, I got my reward on the top, the view down valley was magnificent… gave me Goose bumps, Really
Just before 8 o’clock pm, two hundred meters from the road out in a field overlooking Groși down belov, I camped.

Pretty tough climbing before my tent camp
Next day, my third in Romania I´m plamming for a break in Deva before I visit the castle Bran where Count Dracula has/had his residence.
Before I fell asleep, I started my audiobook app, as I alway don every night and continued to listen Leif G.W´s ”Kan man dö två gånger” (Can you die twice) about Police commissioners Evert Bäckström and his exploits.
Has reached chapter 24 or 25.
See Yeah from Deva
// P-G